Monday, December 7, 2009

IM AZ Final Thoghts

Once you do an IM you understand why is so expensive( I think is to expensive). But they give you a first class service at least on the 1 that I did. That race was perfectly run.the volunteers were great. Both Athletes banquets were top of the line. All the aid stations were fully loaded all the time a lot of ports during the run and the bike too. I use them and with lots of toilet paper too. Almost every single detail of the race was covered and believe or not that cost $$$. Also the good video that is put the end of the event less than 12 hours that the last racer has finished is priceless

Doing an Ironman is at least an 8 month commitment is a lot of time and sacrifice your relationships will suffer doesn't matter if you are married with a boyfriend or girlfriend or your regulars friends, not many people understand the quest that training for Ironman can be. Having said that I have receive this question like 10 or 20 times in the last 2 weeks WILL YOU DO ANOTHER ONE?????

Doing that race is an indescribable feeling. Is amazing.
And honestly I think I can Improve my race all around I know I can run a sub4 marathon I know I can im prove my bike 30 to 40 minutes depending on the course and I know I can improve my swimming 8-12 minutes. I also need another year of training and I know Ill be there. If I have shot at Kona probaly not!!! Do I dream about some day making it to KONA .. Who doesn't dream... For Sure I know I can take out at least 1 hour of my time with the proper training and conditions.

When is the next one????
Not in 2010 due $$$$ (next Post), 2011 may be
Which one I am evaluating.

Thanks to all the supporters that read my blog from USA, South America, Europe and ASIA that have let me some comments. I really appreciate it. To of one my readers that cheer for me on the bike thank you so much. and to my friend from las monjas PR who believed in me thank you very much. To all the people that I meet during training thank you a lot to and to the DC TRI people too.

It was a great journey and now is time to focus on 2010.
Some weekend highlights


XTB-XAVI said...

Congratulations!! Good job!!

Un abrazo desde Hong Kong!

"XTB" Xavi.

Marathon Maritza said...

Congratulations on your great IM race, Eric!!!! I am so happy I got to cheer for you on the bike! Whooo!!!!

Rubi Torres said...

¡¡Grandes relatos Eric!! Nuevamente felicitaciones por tu gran IM.
Muchas gracias por compartir de forma tan detallada todas tus experiencias.

Un fuerte abrazo desde Quito- Ecuador

irotante said...

felicitaciones por tu gran IM.

Rainmaker said...

Awesome job man - and I agree with you in having next year be an off year. Alternating IM's makes it much easier!