Thursday, February 19, 2009

ix and a half minutes a day of strength training for runners

Today's Take it and Run Thursday theme over at Runners Lounge is six and a half minutes a day of strength training for runners: what do you do? What do you recommend? I do and recommend twice a week hit the gym to do lower body work out (legs) and the other upper body. In the off and pre season you can increase it and during the season just maintain it.

Yesterday I took the day off due too tax preparation and other paper work that had to be fill up.

Today I will be back on track with bike and run and maybe gym will see.

Maybe on another post I comment about the type of players in each USA league

Thats all for now

1 comment:

tfh said...

Did you finish your taxes? It feels so good to have that done. I agree about hitting the gym twice a week-- it's what works best for me.