Theme today is 5k and 10k ...As you are building your training plans for 2009, tell us your plans for training and racing in 5K's and 10K's. Share your favorite off the shelf or home grown training plans. Tell us about your favorite 5K and 10K races, where they are and why you do them. Give us some tips onhow you work 5K and 10K's into your half marathon and marathon training plans.??
I don't have plans to run single 5k or 10k this year as looking for a pr. I probably do it as part of my training. The only 10k I plan to run is Battle of the boulevards 10k because is like my neighborhood race and they do try to get the community involve. The race is on May. As for 5k I don't run them a lot because I am not use to run a 5k for 20$ or 25$. As for a favorite 5k or 10k I have one for each one. My favorite 5k is the one that I ran on trip a few weeks ago. This is a monthly race that have been been going for more than 10 years in the exact same location and is held the last Saturday of each month around 5pm depending on the heat and humidity. Is held on Central park in SJ Puerto Rico by this club. As for a 10k is one on my held at the end of September on Catano PR. Is really flat and really competitive. I have improved each year that I had run it. I don't run it since 2005 but before.
As for training I am big believer of tempo runs. Do 4 to 5 miles target to 10 seconds faster that your target goal pace for the 10k. I know is hard but that will get the body use to run at the wanted time.
In regular training I hit the bike trainer and put a solid work out on it and then did 30 minutes of stretching. For me thats a lot due to my laziness on stretching. Tonight swim and run inside because right now is 27 with a real feel of 17 and tonight is suppose to be 11 with a real feel of 1.
Check this column and become to your own conclusions about the guy leaving the white house
Stay warm
i love meaningful races! that's great you will run a neighborhood 10k, i think community events are the best :) stay warm!
You do your tempos at 10k pace or faster? Now that is tough! Have a good swim. I figured this morning would be the warmest part of the day.
I'm not at all looking forward to this evenings run. Brrr....too cold!
I hear you on the cold, but get out there and do it anyway!
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