The weekend began by going to pick up the race #bib for the 10k on Sunday. Then to the dctriclub annual meeting and Kona viewing party. It was fun to watch KONA in front of many fellow triathlete. The bartenders form the place were in to the viewing too. After that I went to another bar to watch The Barcelona Real Madrid Futbol game. It was a good game. It was a day of bar hopping for me at least and that doesn't happen very often.
On Sunday We took the metro at 7 to go to the 10k. we arrive there around 7:25. As usual my stomach problem were present as I have to go the bathroom before any race. I suspect that the port O pelly were going to be pack with lines. So I ran to 2 bathroom locations that I know near the reflective pool. Both were closed. I arrive to the race area at 7:45 but the line was massive. My critique for every race director for tri running or cycles if you know you have 3500 people to a race why the you don't get 100 port O pelly. I counted only 20. The race started and I was stuck in a line. Went to the bathroom for my usual Xplotion and the to the start. I started 7 minutes later. I was one of the last ones to start. There was a lot of people. Since I started so late I had to pass a lot of slow runners. For the 1st 4 miles didn't run my full potential due all the slow runners that I had to pass. Finally I was able to run full force. So my race turn to a workout and I finished on 47:39. It was ok but I would like to hard so I know were I was standing. After that my friend Ben invited me and my GF to this party. Turns out it was a great after 10k run Christmas party. Lucia one of the person of the house have a like 1000 types of food. The food was amazing and it was a pleasure to hang out with all those runners and share all great experiences. We left the party around 1:30 and went home. I cooked and did some laundry while my GF studied for her final.
It was a great weekend for me thanks again to Ben and Lucia.
Congratulations to the Rainmaker for his great time.
Have a great week and enjoy the hollidays
In 8 days I ll be here .....
This one of my favorite hang out spots in the night
Awesome job out there! Yeah, I waited around the finish for a bit hoping to see ya, but when the clock struck 50, I assumed I missed ya. If only I knew you had a delayed departure!
So good to meet you as well! I'm glad you enjoyed the party and hope to have the three of you over again soon for more ice cream! Feliz Navidad!
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