Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Tuesday ..the cold is back grrr

Yesterday was 65 when I came out of work. Since I was not feeling sore from the run on Sunday I went for an easy 3 mile run. Those 60 felt great. After I went my gym and did a nice leg work out. Since I don't have cable tv ( I decided to cut it a few month ago) and the GF didn't want to wait for the internet we decided to watch the final Heroes episode over there. I took control of one of the two gyms tvs, sit as I was doing abs work out and watch the hole episode at my local gym. The only thing I can say bout the show is that I love and I can't wait for the volume. Its a great show.
Today I am sore from my gym work out. (yes I did work out at the gym)
I am planing for a 6 mile run today and the Christmas light run tomorrow if the rain allows. If raining to much I will stay inside.
In 1 more week I ll be ..............


tfh said...

A Christmas light run...that sounds lovely! Although the warm weather you'll have in a week sounds even better.

Rainmaker said...

It was indeed rather cold and yucky out there this morning. Like you, I'm thinking of warmer places as well!