So is Friday is raining and to the north is snowing. Training is limited to indoors. I have skipped running the last 2 days due to laziness I plan to run 30 minutes tonight and 10 miles tomorrow. This weekend is going to be busy as between HD parties Christmas shopping that I haven't buy nothing and doing some packing. Its going to keep me busy. But thats good because the time to leave for the beach will come faster. Other than that is there not much going.
Thanks for the people that commented yesterday and their support
The 2009 season is almost schedule. I am just waiting to see where the mid-atlantinc club championship is going to be. Because USAT is effective informing you where their regional championship are going to be that they wait till the races are sold out to tell that they are going to be championship.
I ll be here in 5 days away from the cold .....

Have a great weekend
I hope it warms up a little and stops raining for your 10 miler tomorrow! Then again the colder it is here the nicer it will be to go home, right?
I agree, the whole championship thingy is kinda wierd. Not sure why they make it so complex.
Perdón Eric pero mi inglés es bastante malo, sólo te quería agradecer por el comentario sobre mi post de Soraya, es alguien que siempre tengo presente en mi vida.
Un saludo desde Uruguay!!!
Merry Christmas bro!
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