Thursday, October 30, 2008

Choose Your Superpower

This is the theme from the Take It and Run Thursday! from the Runners lounge
Since I am heroes fan and I follow the show and is about super power or specials ability I thought this was a peace of cake for me. But not because there a lot of options out there. After meditating in the cold dark last night. I have become with 3 options. They doesn't have a particular order.

1. being able to no get injured. This is simply because I am happy with the way I am performing on my running or triathlon. For me you perform in terms of your athletic ability and you get better when you work hard for a certain goal. The biggest satisfaction somebody can have if to achieve that goal by yourself. Some times what doesn't allow you to get that goal is an injury and you get frustrated because of that. So being able to no get injury will aloud you to race to your maximum potential as long as you live.

2. The ability to read minds of others people. Some times I wonder what people think about random stuff or a stuff that happens. So for those time I would like to able to read minds so I can know and try to understand peoples thoughts.

3. Some times I desire I can have the power to cure. So I can cure persons that get ill with out unknown reasons. This will aloud me to help people that deserve to enjoy the gift of life and act like any normal human being.

4 more days for the NYC Marathon
happy Thursday


Marlene said...

Great choices!

I'm so jealous that you're running NYC. Enjoy!! Can't wait to hear about it.

Rubi Torres said...

Hola Eric,

Primero deseándote muchos éxitos en tu maratón del domingo. Muy interesante tu post. No he meditado sobre este tema, pero creo que los tres superpoderes que escogería serían: fuerza espiritual, capacidad de tele-transportación instantánea y gran velocidad de lectura.

Saludos y otra vez éxitos en tu maratón.